Apr 13, 2022

Arrested? You Win!

The organization "Chozrim LeHar" that encourages ascent to Har Habayit (bkdusha), is running a campaign - "if you got arrested, you won!".

The campaign is to ecnourage people to try to sacrifice a Korban pesach this Friday, erev pesach. If you go to Har Habayit with your lamb and slaughter it and sacrifice it properly in the right place at the right time, you will be granted 10,000nis.

If, on the other hand, you just try but get arrested, so if you arrested on your own you will get 400nis but if you get arrested with your lam then you will get 800nis.

Sounds like a great plan. It even caused Hamas to threaten Israel saying that the settlers are going to take over Har Habayit and conquer it, and if they are successful, Hamas will shoot rockets at Israel. That might be a direct response to the line near the bottom that says the only true solution to terror is renewing the korban pesach....

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  1. And what mizbeach do they plan to throw the blood on?

    What kohein plans to do so?

    1. as far as I remember, korban pesach does not require or involve the mizbeiach

    2. Your memory is incorrect. Go review the fifth perek of Pesachim.

      Also in the fifth perek of Zevachim (which in the siddur):

      הַבְּכוֹר וְהַמַּעֲשֵׂר וְהַפֶּסַח, קָדָשִׁים קַלִּים, שְׁחִיטָתָן בְּכָל מָקוֹם בָּעֲזָרָה, וְדָמָן טָעוּן מַתָּנָה אַחַת, וּבִלְבָד שֶׁיִּתֵּן כְּנֶגֶד הַיְסוֹד
      The firstborn offering, the animal tithe offering, and the Paschal offering are offerings of lesser sanctity. Their slaughter is anywhere in the Temple courtyard, and their blood requires one placement, provided that the priest places it so that the blood goes on the base of the altar.

    3. Someone is being disingenuous here. Considering the well known discussion among Rishonim and Achronim, summarized in RTzH Kalisher, the Maharitz Chajes, the Yavetz, Rav Kook, etc etc, I'm not sure what hiding the ball is accomplishing.

    4. It seems like Yehuda HaNasi brought the Korban Pesach, almost certainly without a mizbeach.

      Overall this seems kind of silly, though. I can think of better ways to spend money.
