Apr 6, 2022

Gafni vs Deri vs Lapid

One of the scenarios that could play out is the government collapsing due to Silman's resignation, if another MK from the coalition follows suit. If that happens and we go to elections, Yair Lapid will become Prime Minister of the caretaker government. This was in the agreement between Bennett and Lapid when the government was formed - that if the government collapses due to a Yamina MK, Lapid will become the caretaker PM.

Interestingly, the ramifications of elections or no elections will have a major effect on Aryeh Deri. Deri resigned from the Knesset recently as part of a plea deal in his corruption investigation. He was not slapped with "kalon" and the agreement was that his banishment from the Knesset is just for one term and he can run for new elections whenever they might be. If we got o new elections, Deri's banishment will have turned out to be very short and he wins big.

More interestingly, and the above is all connected, MK Moshe Gafni (UTJ) is calling to avoid elections and to try to form a new government from the current Knesset make-up. While this would keep Deri out of the Knesset for longer (until the next time there would be elections), Gafni says we must do this even if Deri has to pay that heavy price of staying out of the Knesset. 

Why does Gafni think this is so important? 

To avoid Lapid becoming caretaker Prime Minister.

Lapid being Prime Minister is something so bad in Gafni's eyes that he feels we must avoid elections just to keep Lapid out, no matter the cost, even at Deri's expense.

I get that Gafni doesnt like Lapid. He really does not like him. But still - so what? It would be a caretaker government in which Lapid would not have a majority. What could he do in that scenario that would be so bad? 

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  1. Lapid wouldn't have a pro-left majority but he could easily assemble an anti-religious majority.

    1. How do you figure that? Lieberman, Avodah, Meretz, and Yesh Atid are hardly a majority (and I'm not sure I would even call Meretz ANTI-religious).

    2. HUH????? have you noticed most of the laws and votes by Meretz MKs, all anti- religious?
