Jul 13, 2022

Rav Hershel Schachter eating locusts (video)

you can't get a much better hechsher than this...

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  1. FYI, locusts are pareve, like fish.

  2. Better hechsher? sure I can. I trust my wife's prepared food because I live with her, I trust my neighbor because I know them well and frequent their house, I trust the restaurant up the hill because I know the owner, have visited its kitchen and am aware of the menu. I do not personally know RHS or whoever prepared the locust. So, my three beat his every day of the week.

  3. Don't get it. Not everyone holds that you need a mesorah to eat locusts?
    Or is Rabbi Shechter a closet Sefardi?

    1. what is the source that a mesora is required, and if required that he cannot rely on the Sefardi mesora unless he is sefardi himself?

    2. https://www.yutorah.org/lectures/lecture.cfm/1039095/rabbi-aryeh-lebowitz/ten-minute-halacha-are-grasshoppers-and-locusts-kosher/

  4. Find this strange! Also, why would he just eat an insect (even if kosher) ? Seems fishy!

    1. personally I have no interesting i eating locust, but plenty of people are curious enough to at least try it.
      Also, they are high in protein so many today (not frum jews specifically) are into making protein powders out of locust and whatmnot. that isnt this, but that is what it could become.

  5. Ah… the illusions and assumptions of predictability toward gedolim come crumbling down. Welcome to real life.

  6. For the halachic background: https://www.yutorah.org/lectures/lecture.cfm/1039095/rabbi-aryeh-lebowitz/ten-minute-halacha-are-grasshoppers-and-locusts-kosher/
