Oct 6, 2022

a strange minhag with the kapparot bird

I have seen and learned about a lot of unusual, and sometimes strange (to me) minhagim over time. I spent several years learning in a yeshiva in an Israeli Haredi neighborhood populated by old Yerushalmim, Hassidim and Litvish people and I saw all sorts of minhagim and behaviors there. This is something I have never seen or heard about, and boy is it strange.

The elder Admor, the Rebbe of Mishkenot HaRo'im, after performing the kapparot ritual in his office - burning the feathers of the chicken, as part of the minhag to perform a "zecher", a symbolic memorial, of the 4 deaths meted out by beis din for various sins on the kapparot bird - by throwing the bird (like skila), burning feathers, strangulation and beheading - both of which are memorialized by the shchita of the bird.

Honestly, this seems cruel, though I dont know if the burning of the feathers is felt by the bird or not, and I dont know how far or hard they throw the bird - throwing the bird to the ground could be a problem of causing a treifa so I assume they arent throwing it form a tall height and nor are they throwing it hard. Good or bad I dont know but it is at minimum strange.

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  1. i am certain that the Rebbe first slaughtered the bird (in his office) and then performed all of those other customs. After all, that's the Only way that he could avoid the problem which you mentioned: Tza'ar Ba'alai Chaim.

    1. in the picture linked in the tweet of the burning of the feathers, the bird looks very much alive and pre-shchita. dont know about the throwing. not sure there would be any point doing it all after death as that is not re-enacting the 4 capital punishments

  2. See the כף החיים in 605:10 (bottom of this page going into the next page)
