Oct 30, 2022

Gafni vs Ben Gvir sheds light on denial

Israel Hayom reporter Yehuda Shlezinger reported today that for the past few weeks MK Moshe Gafni (UTJ) has been in regular dialogue, quietly and under the radar, with Prime Minister Yair Lapid. One specific example is that they talked about the gas deal Lapid signed.

Gafni was quick to issue a denial saying it never happened, they havent spoken and definitely not about the gas deal. Gafni accused the press of trying to make him look like a defector and he has no intention to join any government other than one led by Netanyahu and UTJ will follow Netanyahu to the Opposition again if that is the result of the elections.

Shlezinger simply issued a response saying he respects Gafni but the talks are real and have been happening, despite Gafni's denial.

That is not even the interesting part. What happened next is where it gets interesting.

Itamar Ben Gvir attacked Gafni accusing him of preparing to sit with the Left. Gafni attacked Ben Gvir of possibly planning to sit with the Left, if it should be worthwhile, just like the previous extreme right of Matan Kahane, Bennett and Shaked did when it was deemed worthwhile by them.

Now that is funny. 

Besides for the internal fighting among the Bibi-bloc members, the accusation that Ben Gvir will form a government with Lapid and Gantz is just funny. Even if he wanted to, they would not touch him with a ten foot pole. is Otzma Yehudit party, a faction of Hatzionut Hadatit, is nothing like what Yamina and Habayit Hayehudi was. They were reincarnations of the Mafdal that always sat with any party no matter it Right or Left. They considered themselves a bridge between societies and communities. They are nothing like Ben Gvir and his party, and while some might call them extreme, they were nothing like Ben Gvir and they were never beyond the pale for the Left, form the early days of the State until today. 

Ben Gvir on the other hand is completely different. Even if he wanted to sit with Lapid, Lapid would not have him. Until a couple of months ago even Bibi refused to sit with him - that's how extreme he is.

Whether or not I believed Gafni's initial denial, and maybe it was enough to create some doubt in the initial report, his defensive accusation against Ben Gvir makes me 100% sure it is true.

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