Oct 19, 2022

Likud and partners on collision course?

Is Benjamin Netanyahu on his way to a collision course with his bloc-partners and potential coalition partners?

Just this morning Netanyahu said at a campaign event that he is in favor of the Haredim learning core curriculum studies in their education system and he will find a way to bring them along, though it has to be done through dialogue.

Additionally, Netanyahu said in a campaign event that the main portfolios need to be held by the Likud, especially the Finance Ministry and the Defense Ministry. The Finance Ministry has been mentioned by both Smotritch and Goldknopf as potential portfolios they each would request. The Defense Ministry was also mentioned by Smotritch as one he might demand.

Whether any of this ever was realistic is a different story, and this all might just be the start of coalition negotiations, but it seems like a potential collision course, especially after the recent incident in Kfar Chabad...

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  1. Perhaps he is saying that as a way to boost the Charedi vote.

  2. "though it has to be done through dialogue."

    That's code for "never going to happen."
