Oct 18, 2022

Ve'at Alis Al Kulana (feat. Baruch Levine & The Shir V'shevach Boys Choir) | Nshei Adirei HaTorah (video)

Watch this stirring music video presented at the Nshei Adirei Hatorah event, highlighting the wives of kollel men around the world.

this clip went online first on Baruch Levine's Instagram page and generated hundreds of angry and cynical comments. Most comments seemed to be angry about this video about honoring the wives of kollel yungerleit but not featuring any. The two main issues in the comments seem to be 1. that it doesnt actually show any kollel wives and 2. that it makes it seem they are more like housekeepers, maids and nannies. not to say that choosing to be a a housewife is a bad thing, but that is all it shows and it seems, based on many of the comments, that these kollel husbands are grateful mostly for having married maids.

What do you think?

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  1. I think that this video summarizes everything that is wrong with Haredi society.

    - The Men (Husbands) in the video are shown learning Torah, but there is no indication that they have any interest in their own families or people around them. There are no images of them taking an interest in their kids, (not even sitting and learning with their sons), no one going out to teach Torah to the wider community, no Chessed, nothing. No images even of people learning Torah in other settings (such as on the way to work, in the evenings with the family, at community events)
    Looks like the values of Torah exist only inside the Beit Midrash.

    - No images of women, which by itself is horrific, but the arms of women in the video are no more than faceless maids who look after children, fold laundry and answer the phone.

    - No interest in supporting a family, no one seems to have a job (other than the arm of a woman which regularly answers an office phone). No indication that the Husbands in the video have any interest in fulfilling the obligations of their Ketuba to support and provide for their wives.

    The fact that this video was created to praise women and show the community in a positive light shows how far removed the religion of Haredi Judaism is from the religion that I practice (known as Orthodox Judaism)

  2. Simply put, these negative commenters seem to be ignorant of Jewish laws and traditions and think no differently than other peoples. This song which is 'You rose above them all' is one of the lines in the 'Woman of Valor' that is sung every Friday evening Shabbat dinner just to honor the wife and matriarch of her home. She is the Queen, not the maid. She is held to a higher standard than any woman of any other culture!
    Disparaging anything in Torah is the latest form of anti-semitism.
