Jan 17, 2023

ban one, ban all

Senator Jacky Rosen from the USA is leading a delegation of senators to Israel. She has requested from the Israeli government to not meet with members of Otzma Yehudit and Hatzionut Hadatit, Betzalel Smotritch and Itamar Ben Gvir (or any of their party members).

Rosen and her group of senators have every right to not want to meet with those they find detestable or have strong disagreements with.

The Israeli government on the other hand should make it clear that they are senior members of the government and banning them is banning the entire Israeli government. The Israeli reps who are scheduled to meet with them should refuse to meet unless the ban on other members of the government is lifted.

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  1. senators say fine we won't meet with anyone. next move?

  2. Support for Israel is no longer a given in the US Congress, especially among Democrats. Here is a delegation, led by a Democratic senator, which is publicly showing support for the State of Israel. For the government taking a stand on this issue would further alienate large segment of Congress. It is not in Israel’s interest to make a big deal about this.

    1. Anyone making a demand like this is already plenty alienated and is just flexing their muscles. (In this case, it's a half- and therefore non- Jew.)
