Jan 10, 2023

Nakuma Na - Hilltop Youth version (video)

in memory of Ahuviya Sandak

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  1. Why are you sharing a video in memory of a young man who died while fleeing from the Police after attacking civilians by throwing stones at cars on a highway, directly and deliberately putting people's lives at risk.

    This young man was involved in violence against civilians, borderline terrorism (Many people define throwing stones at cars as terrorism), the fact that Jewish Extremists have turned this guy into a hero shows how corrupt extremist elements of the Religious Zionist world have become. We should be deeply ashamed.

    1. "Many people define throwing stones at cars as terrorism"

      Ah, the cognitive dissonance is beautiful: You don't want to condemn Arab rock-throwers as "terrorists" but *do* want to define alleged Jewsh ones as such. Hence the waffling with "many people."

    2. No - I would define anyone who throws stones at cars with the intention of hurting or killings motorists is a terrorist, whether they are Jewish, Arab, or any other nationality.

      I would definitely define this young man as a terrorist, as much as Arab stone throwers are terrorists. I am sickened when Arabs create videos glorifying terrorists, I am equally sickened when Jews do the same thing.

      Is that clearer? How do you define stone throwers?

    3. I am glad to hear it and we are in agreement.

      I would point out, however, that all of Sandak's defenders claim that he was completely innocent. No one is glorifying terrorism here. Now, they may be correct or not, I don't know. Certainly I'm not of the type to say "Oh, a Jew would never do that!" And I've hung out with Hilltop Youth enough to know that at least some of them are capable of doing things like this. Most of them *are* maladjusted, hormonal, and/or stupid kids, after all. But, again, the acts having been done, you rarely if ever hear a *defense* of it. Itamar Ben-Gvir made a career out of defending these types, and he never uses "rock throwing is good" as a defense.

    4. Let me amend that "most" to "many." And let me stress that I have no idea if Sandak did or didn't do it. Maybe he did, which would be wrong. Of course, guilty people die at the hands of police all the time and we live in an age where guilt is no excuse. (Exhibit A, St. George Floyd.) Again, in this case I have no idea if the cops messed up or not.
