Jul 20, 2023

It's all about me

Yesterday in an interview, MK Yisroel Eichler (UTJ) related to the protests and to the air force pilots (and others) threatening to refuse to continue to volunteer for the IDF and to the coming IDF draft law to exempt Haredim from service.

Eichler said commented on them already preparing the draft law to be passed, if the State will still exist  after the holidays, with everyone afraid to talk, the protests shutting down the country, etc. 

The more interesting part of what Eichler said is when he said that for 75 years they have been spilling our blood for not serving in the army, everyone needs to be a part of the Israeli melting pot, people who dont serve shouldnt get budgets, etc. Suddenly now they lose control over the government and are burning everything down and stopping to serve in the army. It seems army service isnt as holy as they made it out to be, and they should apologize for how they treated us the past 70 years.

I dont know if he really doesnt get it, or if he is just a populist so says things that arent accurate to raise hairs.

they arent threatening to stop serving in the IDF, and they arent threatening to stop serving because they lost control of the government. They have mostly been out of government (with short interludes) for more than 40 years already, and this is only happening now, not 40 years ago. Throughout Bibi's long tenure they continued to serve and never threatened anything. Only now. And the reason is because of the attempt now for a full exemption of Haredim form army service while also giving them unprecedented funds in the budgets and coalition agreements. Justify it as much as you want, that lack of equality is upsetting them. they think of themselves as funding the Haredim to unprecedented amounts and Haredim are being given practically a blanket exemption from army service and form education and from the workforce. They have had enough. And they arent refusing IDF service, they are refusing, if they decide to carry out their threats, their volunteer reserve duty. I am not justifying it and not saying they should, but the story is very different than what Eichler is saying.

Eichler is good at turning everything into being about him, about his community and playing the victim card. He's not the victim here. It's about me but not as the victim, as the cause. the two sides have both gone way too far in this. I dont know how it will be reigned in and what has to happen but this is too much.

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  1. Of course he is being populist - that is what he is. He is talented, but don't expect intellectual honesty from him (or, for that, from almost any politician).

  2. The Chareidi leadership has always relied on a "You have to follow us because we're always under attack." The Chilonim could show up at the gate of Geulah with flowers and chocolates and the Chareidi leadership would insult and spit on them until they got mad, then they'd turn around and say "See? We knew you really hate us!" They need that hate to maintain community cohesion and this is how they do it.
