Aug 23, 2023

Interesting Psak: Tel Aviv Light Rail

The other day we brought one psak from Rav Amram Fried regarding the use of the new Tel Aviv Light Rail in light of the construction having [also] taken place on Shabbos. Kikar is now reporting on Rav Yitzchak Zilbershtein's psak on the same matter.

Rav Zilbershtein, rav of Ramat Elchonon neighborhood of Bnei Braq, was asked despite already having paskened years ago about a similar situation that it is public property and they do not have the pwoer via their chilul shabbos (or any other way) to cause property that is not theirs to become prohibited and therefore it is ok, but at the time Rav Zilbershtein had also suggested that is not necessary one shouldnt use it. So what about the Tel Aviv light rail - it was built on Shabbos with actual chilul shabbos. But there are many women, wives of avreichim, who work in the area and getting to work by bus can take up to an hour and a half in traffic while using the light rail would get them there in ten minutes. Is it appropriate to use the light rail or should they avoid it?

Rav Zilbershtein responded that it is allowed because it is a kiddush hashem because the government said it would not operate onS habbos. The government is giving respect to Shabbos, they are closing the line. The fact that they built it on Shabbos is not a strong factor as they cant prohibit what is not theirs, what is public property. Because they are saying it will be closed on Shabbos, so it can be used.

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1 comment:

  1. Or he knows that, no matter what, lots of Chareidim will use this and if he forbids it, that'll create demonstrations, protests, vandalism and violence.
