Sep 10, 2023

Quote of the Day

Israeli citizens traveling to Ukraine need to take personal responsibility for their own safety at this time.. Hakadosh Baruch Hu  did not always protect us, not on the lands of Europe and not on the land of Ukraine. It needs to be understood. in the State of Israel when rockets are falling, citizens go into bomb shelters and there are protections - there in Ukraine there are no shelters and no protections..

  -- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

after passing some sort of funding for travel to Uman, PM Netanyahu warned, similarly to Minister Orit Struk, that it is not safe to travel there right now. I don't know how he voted but I am guessing he voted in favor - if he opposed it the package would not have passed.

This statement seems to be causing a bit of a coalition crisis with the Haredi members angered at his statement that God did not always protect us in Europe... probably nothing will come of it other than Netanyahu being pressured to issue a retraction or clarification...

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1 comment:

  1. As a son of survivors, I can fully attest to the truth of Bibi's statement.
    The problem with the Chareidim is that they have been too coddled for too long and have come to truly believe their bovine faeces bromides like "Torah study protects from everything!"
    They really do think that the self-declared virtue of going to see Rebbe Nachman will magically protect them from harm in the war zone and if something does happen, it's the fault of the Zionists' sins but certainly nothing they did wrong.
