Oct 16, 2023

Tweet of the Day

these Neturei Karta guys win it for today with this tweet for its comedic value - "As a Jewish Community we boycott McDonalds".. because of its support for Israel.

Meaning, they normally eat the treif burgers, the cheeseburgers, the McNuggets, the McRibs and all the other chazer treif sold there but now they will boycott because of McDonalds stance on Israel. I guess they will have to switch over to eating Burger King or Wendy's (though I do not know their positions no Israel)...

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1 comment:

  1. Its not funny. I just went to that site. The horrific stuff they post in the name of "Judaism"!
    Hashem Yerachem, see all the antisemitic comments there. They're rilling up and encouraging such vile stuff. If anyone needs to be assassinated as a rotzeach us the administrators of that site!
