Dec 18, 2023

UTJ clarifications

UTJ issued two clarifications a short while ago:
1. regarding municipal elections, they are in favor of postponing the elections until the end of February because of the war
2. Regarding the issue of taxing the sugary drinks - they are in favor of an educational campaign to teach people about the dangers of consuming too much sugar, but they are against doing it via a tax which is only damaging (ie costs people money)

 Regarding #1 - interesting. I wonder why. At most they should not care or take a position,  and at least they should be in favor of keeping it as scheduled by law as it seemingly helps them. I wonder why they are in favor of postponing.

Regarding #2 - this morning it was reported that the Aguda faction of UTJ led by Minister Goldknopf is against the tax. Yesterday it was reported that Gafni was ok with it. Now UTJ is saying no tax. I wonder if Gafni wasnt really in favor and the report yesterday was premature or if Goldknopf's veto is simply overriding. Additionally, it will be interesting to see what happens next - my assumption is that if UTJ doesnt get on board this idea will be dropped as per coalition agreements rather than making a coalition crisis. It was be especially interesting if Smotritch tries to keep it alive for a while, strengthening my initial thought I mentioned yesterday that this might be revenge for Arbel's insistence on keeping the election date for the end of January

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  1. The tax doesn't cost anyone money . You don't by the soda, you don't pay the tax, you drink water from the tap instead for free.

    1. Well, water isn't free, but good point.

  2. What do they think will pay for an "educational campaign" if not taxes? Everything the government does, including paying for their lifestyle, is through taxes.

    Oh, taxes on *other* people they're fine with. Just not on them.
