Jan 9, 2024

Chabad students go crazy over tunnel closure

I don't get what's happening in Chabad in Crown Heights. They found that tunnel a while back but have not really publicized why someone dug it, but they did say the initial theory of it being dug during Covid to gain access to the yeshiva during lockdowns was false.

The site was shut down due to danger because of structural integrity concerns. They brought in cement truck to repair walls and seal the tunnel and the students there went berserk and caused damage to walls of the neighboring structures and fought with the police, leading to several arrests.

According to the Chabad Director of Media, Motti Seligson, "efforts were disrupted by the extremists who broke through the wall to the synagogue, vandalizing the sanctuary, in an effort to preserve their unauthorized access"

Why do they need to preserve their unauthorized access? Did Chabad ban them from the beis medrash? Is this like a modern day restoration of the picture of Hillel who couldnt afford entry to the beis medrash so went to the skylight on the roof to hear the shiur? Does the Chabad yeshiva not let some boys come to the beis medrash to learn? Can they not just walk through the front door if they want to go to the yeshiva? Even if the tunnel was dug during Covid for unauthorized access back then because of the lockdowns (which was denied), why today do they not allow the tunnel to be closed up?

This story just gets weirder and weirder..

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  1. There are some additional videos and a little more information here:

    You can see boys destroying the wood paneling around the Beit Midrash and then being arrested.

    Not clear what is going on or why, but the fact that the vandals seem to be Meshechsitim from Israel, and their actions were condemned by Chabad leadership who I assume own or run the building, my best guess is that this is a turf war between mainstream Chabad and the radical Messianic stream of Chabad over who should control the lower level Beis Midrash

  2. This is an amazing example of a kiddush hashem; fervent Jews standing up for the holiness they believe in, with integrity and unwavering commitment despite outside western resistance. We should be proud and not ashamed. An exalted nation unto all.

  3. A large part of this is that there is really no leadership at Lubavitch. When the Rebbe died (yes he did) the meshichusts were never separated from the klal. There is a “hefker” feeling in Crown Heights of do what you want. The greatest concentration of “neo-Chassidim” are there, basically young couples who need a feeling of belonging without the judgement they would get in any other branch of Chassidus with maybe the exception of Breslov. There are still older Lubavitchers that somewhat steady the ship, but the same way people give Satmar a pass because of their Bikur Cholim, people give Lubavitch a pass because 1. They are the only people who will encourage kiruv and they are dedicated to it. And 2. If you want kosher food anywhere in the world, Chabad is there. I hear Elon Musk is going to allow them to have space on a rocket just so they can import kosher food to Mars. People go to the Ohel and feel connected, but fanaticism can only be nipped in the bud from the top down.

    1. "They are the only people who will encourage kiruv and they are dedicated to it."

      Not at all.

    2. I meant in a broad sense. There is plenty of Kiruv, but no one else that I know wandering around asking people to put on tefillin and stuff like that.
