Jan 8, 2024

Guns in Bet Shemesh

Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir recently decided to ease up the requirements for qualifying to get a gun license. In affected areas people went out in droves to apply for licenses under the new rules to improve their persnal sense of security. Bet Shemesh residents were left out of the party as Bet Shemesh was not deemed to be in any sort of danger zone and was therefore not included in any of the new guidelines - Bet Shemesh residents could still not get a gun license unless they qualified under the old rules (ie someone who served in the armed forces, having a job that required it or warranted it, etc)

Residents of Bet Shemesh have been complaining ever since and have petitioned Mayor Aliza Bloch  and the Minister to get the city included in the list of cities and towns with the new guidelines. Bloch has requested this on behalf of the residents several times from the Minister.

It was announced a short while ago Minister Ben Gvir has approved the Mayor's appeals and has instructed that residents of some streets in the neighborhoods of RBA C,D, and Neve Shamir (Gimmel, Daled and Hei), will be able to apply for gun licenses under the new guidelines.

They are breaking it down by street and an applicant must live on any of the following streets in these neighborhoods to apply under the new rules:
השלושה, חגואל, יונתן, פרנק, פרנקל, סנש, אהרונסון, קליין, אלבז, האחים, יאיר, חביבה רייק, אליהו הנביא, חזון עובדיה, חולדה הנביאה, נתן הנביא, אהבת שלום, יונה בן אמתי, יחזקאל הנביא, חבקוק הנביא, עזרא, יואל הנביא, אחיה השילוני, משה רבנו, נריה הנביא, ירמיהו הנביא, ריש לקיש, זכריה הנביא, רב המנונא, רמת עזרא, רב חנן, מר עוקבא, אביי, רב עולא, רב זביד, רבינא, רבא, תלמוד ירושלמי, רב עמרם, רב אבדימי, שדרות האמוראים, נהרדע, רב מרי, תלמוד בבלי, בר קפרא, דובב מישרים, שפע חיים, איילת השחר

If you want a gun, now is your chance, if you live on one of those streets. Good luck and be safe.

To paraphrase Oprah, "You get a gun! You get a gun! You get a gun!"...

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  1. Strange that RBS A is excluded...

  2. Garnel IronheartJanuary 08, 2024 6:35 PM

    Because that's why we need - the Chareidiban nutbars in RBS getting armed.
