Jan 28, 2024

resettling Gush Katif

The "Victory Conference" ongoing now in the International Convention Center in Jerusalem (Binyanei Hauma) is interesting and problematic.

I personally have no problem with the idea of resettling Gush Katif - I participated in the big protests of the day in Kfar Maimon and the human chain form Gush Katif to the Kotel, among others - but I do think it is not smart or practical to have this conference and agenda right now.

From a practical perspective, we are now at war and running a massive deficit, facing budget cuts and higher taxes. We have a lot ahead of us that will include (but not be limited to) rebuilding destroyed communities, paying for damage and soldiers time off of work for war, all sorts of compensations, paying to restock military armaments, increase the size of the army (which seems to be the plan), healthcare costs for physical injuries and mental health care for those affected (civilians and soldiers), and much more.

Practically, with all that looming and draining the coffers, will we really have the money to build new communities and administer Gush Katif in the near future? If they do push this agenda now and force the government to comply, what will the money for this come at the expense of?

Additionally, with the ICJ case ongoing against Israel for genocide, this will make Israel's case much more difficult. PM Netanyahu already told his ministers to stop talking about resettlement right now. I am surprised, knowing the intention of several ministers and MKs, including some from the Likud, to participate in the conference, that PM Netanyahu did not ban them from participating. 

First let's work on resettling the displaced communities in the north and south from the massacre and war. In a few years we can worry about Gush Katif

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