Jul 22, 2024

Oslo and the Disengagement

The government has been busy blaming everything over the past ten months on Oslo (1994) and the Disengagement (2005).

Surely Oslo (perpetrated by Labor with the support of Shas) and the Disengagement (perpetrated by the Likud under Sharon with the support of Netanyahu) can be seen as the sources of many of the problems we are dealing with today. I find it amusing as they try to rewrite history and blame everything on the Left when the Right bears as much responsibility as the Left for those events (and so many people seem to buy it). And let's not forget the Wye agreements in which Netanyahu gave control over most of Hebron to Arafat.

However, the world did not stop at Oslo or at the Disengagement. Nor did time.

At the time of those agreements/events, the leaders (Rabin, Sharon, Netanyahu and others) all said, they all justified it by saying, that if the Palestinians attack or shoot rockets or commit acts of terror against Israelis, Israel would respond harshly. Israel would break their bones. Israel would destroy Gaza over even a single rocket. etc. Many more statements like that.

I would say that as much as the problems are sourced in Oslo and in the Disengagement, they are also sourced in the 20 years since the Disengagement and in the 30 years since Oslo in which Israel, led by several different Prime Ministers, did not actually hit the Palestinians harshly as had been promised when they engaged in terror. Instead Israel allowed Hamas to formulate and grow and become a formidable terror organization. Israel let the terrorists become emboldened in their fight against Israel. 

While it is easy to blame Oslo and the Disengagement, and it makes for nice soundbites, the real problem is that Israeli leadership since those two events did not do what they were supposed and what had been promised. 

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  1. Agree. But also how much of the reticence was because of outside pressure not to react?

  2. All that aside, it is *crucial* to keep bringing up Oslo and the Disengagement, or the usual suspects will make this all the fault of Ben-Gvir or something.

  3. Garnel IronheartJuly 23, 2024 3:56 PM

    1) Without Oslo, none of this would've happened. Other violence might've but none of this. Oslo is the lynch pin to every disaster since.
    2) The minute to hit back, as promised by Israeli PM's, is after the first violation. By the time Bibi first came to power, Rabin and then Peres had been ignoring or excusing Arab violence and terrorism for years. Bibi was put in a position where he could do nothing aggressive because Israel had already committed not to defend itself.
    The time to hit back, as promised by Sharon after the retreat from Gaza, was when the first rocket was launched. By the time Bibi came to power, there was already a routine in place and huge pressure to not do anything definitive.
    So yes, Rabin, Peres and Sharon are the goats here.

  4. Bibi did not support the disengagement. Where do you get your "facts" that he did??

  5. Are you Anshel Pfeffer in disguise?
    So Oslo, where we gave those who wish to wipe us out, weapons, and the disengagement, where we ceded territory and the inevitable consequences which followed, are still not as bad as bibi?
    Rafi, you used to be an impartial, balanced kinda guy
