Sep 24, 2024

Tweet of the Day

Yossi Elituv, a Haredi journalist, tweeted:
n the Middle East only the language of strength is understood. What doesn't go with strength, will go with more strength. All the rest, not relevant. Good morning to Peace Now and all its affiliates in the elitists of the media and justice systems...

I am not really sure why he added that last line about Peace Now - it doesnt really add anything to the tweet (unless I totally missed what he was trying to say). Elituv tweeted this about Israel's striking at senior Hezbollah officials. While he is repeating a common canard and is not necessarily wrong about it (some might think he is) - the tweet itself is strange. With this tweet Elituv opened himself to a firestorm of criticism and trolls. First, Elituv is a Haredi journalist and at least until this war most Haredi reps and journalists stayed away from military comments because they largely dont participate int he military and dont consider it appropriate to be seen getting involved in those issues. Elituv tweeted this and many Israelis tweeted back about how he is quick to send other peoples boys to hit Hezbollah hard with strength when he or his own kids wont be participating in the fighting. And second, he was attacked for saying people only understand strength here - so for the Haredi draft we have to also act strong and hit the haredim, take away their funding, forcefully draft them, etc as that is the only language people understand in the Middle East. 

Right or wrong, he opened himself up to it nicely.

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1 comment:

  1. Whoops
    The good news is that people have really short memories so as long as he stays quiet for a week, everyone will forget by then
