Oct 15, 2024

Quote of the Day

We draft equally, relatively, just like the general population. Take into account that we need to learn Torah and to draft. You cant dump everything on us! How can we explain a draft law when there are not enough soldiers? I dont know - the Ministry of Hasbara should figure out how and explain it. I need the Draft Law. They can draft the people who are not learning. This law does not create divisions, but creates unity in the people. Each person does his part - this one learns and this one drafts..

  -- Minister Yitzchak Goldknopf, after threatening again that the Draft Law must be passed before the budget or else.

It actually looked for a moment as if they were coming down from the tree once again as yesterday anonymous UTJ people commented that the law doesnt need to be passed before the budget but they need to see it advanced and see that it is being taken seriously. Goldknopf seems to have shot that down today.

On the one hand, this might be the first time he is saying to draft those who do not learn. I think many would have agreed to a compromise a long time ago had that been the policy in the Haredi leadership - let the ones who do not learn go to the army and the ones who do would be exempt. Unfortunately they always protected the ones who do not learn as well. 

Goldknopf can always be counted on to come up with gems that will upset many

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  1. Define "do not learn"
    bsorot tovot

  2. Sure, if they don't learn but they all learn, right? Every single last one of them, like the ones wandering the streets, the ones protesting and rioting, all full time learners.

    1. There are special fake yeshivot, funded by the government of course, so that non-learners can still be on the rolls of some yeshiva and not get drafted.
