Oct 15, 2024

Why Global Opinion is Turning Against Israel (video)

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1 comment:

  1. Turned? Turned a long time ago.
    First there's a ton of money that's been invested in turning public opinion against us and it's been well spent.
    Second, most people don't need the encouragement. If the Holocaust showed anything, it's that Jews are entitled to 5 minutes of sympathy after a disaster and are not allowed to respond to it.
    In 1947 the world felt bad so they voted for partition but on condition that the new states would be impossible to set up, leading to a war in which the Jews would be destroyed. And we'd get another 5 minutes of sympathy.
    Since Oct 7 it's been the same. We got our 5 minutes of sympathy, were encouraged to let bygones be bygones and not respond so when we did and did so successfully, they got upset with us for not following their plan.
