Jan 2, 2007

ads for dinner journal (sticky post)

As I mentioned previously, I am being co-honored with my daf yomi shiur by the annual shul dinner coming up in February.
I am going to schnorr now because it is for a good cause.

You can make jblogger history by downloading the order form to buy and place an ad in the dinner journal in my honor. I do not need to know your name, and you can keep your anonymity. Maybe a few of you fellow bloggers can get together and share an ad at minimal cost. You can use the ad to advertise your own blogs, such as saying "Mazel tov to Rafi G from
http://lifeinisrael.blogspot.com from your friends at aaa.blogspot.com bbb.blogspot.com ccc.blogspot.com, etc."

If you wish to take out an ad, download the
form and fill it out and mail it in to the address on the form.

I will leave this as a sticky post for a couple of weeks. The deadline for ads is the end of January.