Nov 5, 2008

Haredim vote Gimmel

Check out the latest flyers put out by Gimmel (UTJ) of Bet Shemesh, encouraging you to vote for them.

In the first flyer, you can see they are clearly telling anybody with a kipa sruga that they don't want their vote.... I am not sure what the significance of the words they chose to "embroider" on the kipas - check that. it is clearly an attempt to say TOV supporters are not haredi, but I am not sure why they gave a black kipa to the TOV kid from Yerushalayim (even though TOV does not exist in jerusalem), and a kipa sruga to the TOV kid in Bet Shemesh.....

In this second flyer, they describe what makes a real "haredi representative". Basically they describe that the only qualification is being close to a gadol. No need to be qualified for anything. Also no need to describe your accomplishments (as I have yet to see in any of the campaign advertising put out by gimmel). Just be close to a gadol, and everyone has to vote for you.
This is clearly an attempt at a knock against TOV. I guess nobody in TOV knows a big enough gadol to qualify...


  1. I am left scratching my head about the first flyer. what point is it even trying to make?

    (have you seen the poster on one of the buildings on Herzog: vote לא real jews don't vote in the zionist elections (not an exact quote) at least I know what point they are trying to make - but Gimmel makes no sense!

  2. I don't fully understand the picture either, but i don't like the implication: that a kipa sruga Jew is not as good as a kippa shchora Jew. And you certainly wouldn't want your child to be one....
    How utterly revolting and repulsive. And so divisive.
    These people better not get into power here.

  3. I had a totally different take on the flyer. I thought the point was to include the kippa seruganiks into the chareidi camp.

    The child is asking (with either kippa) Abba am I chareidi (even though I'm wearing a kippa seruga?

    And then on the back, it defins what a chareidi is, which in this neighborhood, I figured they were trying to include them in the category of chareidi.

    But then again, I'm new here, and my hebrew comprehension is still not that great.

  4. eliezer - interesting perspective... the question seems more rhetorical to me, especially considering the second side... I guess it could be read like that though..

  5. I'm not sure that it is a reference to TOV, at all.

    Yeled Tov Yerushalayim is an old colloquialism. In general Israeli society it was the slang for an 'exceptionally good boy'.

    Don't know what the point of the poster is, though. My guess is the Haredi publicist misused the term Yeled Tov Yerushalyim, and is trying to imply that a Haredi stance aligns with kedushat Yerushalayim while a Dati Leumi stance aligns with leaving kedushat Yerushalyim behind and creating a 'new' society rather than a continuation of holiness and tradition.

  6. thanks Mordechai. that actually sounds confusing enough to be accurate!

  7. Clearly they're not looking for any any anglo votes, as this is surely the kind of advertisement to make me put them down as clearly LO TOV.

  8. the point was not about mizrachi being good or not. obviously mizrachi amd chareidi have different outlooks on many topics. not to say whether one is better or not- just different.
    hence the point of the flier is to make the point that if you want to be in the chareidi camp then be chareidi and follow the gedolim of that camp which say to vote Gimmel.
    if not than decide that you are not chareidi (just like the mizrachey are not chareidi)but don't pretend to be chareidi and not listen to the gedolim

  9. Rafi-
    I was going through the names on Gimmel's list.
    Is there a higher % than normal from the Ramah.
    At least 1 Anglo(Unger) and 1 half-anglo (Silverstein).
    Maybe they're listening?


  10. dont know, but silverstein supposedly resigned from the list a few weeks ago (Rav Goldstein was upset with Gimmel, and Silverstein is Rav Goldsteins rep, and Rav G pulled him out)... It might be an old list...

  11. Montag is from RBS A. Greenberg is from rbsa. Eli cohen is from rbsa. Silverstein is from rbsa.

    I think this is because most of gimmel is from rbsa, and also bc the rabbonim in the kiryah are officially not involved with politics, such as RNK.

  12. Im a gimmel guy and i really dont understand why they are all uptight about Tov. What are they running scared from?

    The seker on the rbs email list has gimmel at about 22% and tov at 6%. I dont get why the negative campaign.

  13. probably because almost all of that 6% (if the number is even accurate) is coming at the expense of gimmel... it is another 1-2 seats gimmel thinks they would have if not for tov...

  14. I was in kehilas yaakov tonight. the boys there are pretty worked up in their support for gimmel. also they wouldn't put silverstein on the flyer without his permission.

  15. What are they running scared from?

    It's not just a matter of lost votes, it's insecurity. Most charedim can't deal with the idea that there are people in the charedi community who openly reject the Daas Torah ideology. Think about all the attacks on Slifkin - most of them weren't due to his science hashkofos, it was because he openly defied the Gedolim.

  16. Gimmel is not a party. It is a coalition of dieffernt factions. Degel is Litvishe (with the possible exeption of Belz) Aguda is Chasidishe. Aguda in turn is made up of two major factions ie. Mercazit which is Ger and the "other" chasidim, as well as at least one minor faction i.e. Vishnitz (It's not clear to me which side of this Blez is on)
    Anyway Tov's votes are perceived as coming at the expense of Degel. A vote for Tov will cause a realignment of the powers in Gimmel toward the Aguda, and Degel is terrified of this

  17. I must say that I am shocked by the inability of some of the people commenting here to get the point. Memeila, the olim chadashim might not get it -- but the comment about "kedushat yerushalayim"? Give me a break.

    Do you know how many calls the Degel Hatorah office got within hours of the flyer going out? Only then did the Degel people realize the mistake they made.

    Tonight there is going to be another "pashkevil" against Tov.
