Nov 6, 2008

Should America adopt the Rabinfest holiday?

I love Letters to the Editor. They always provide one of two sorts of satisfaction:
  1. they provide insight in the way the regular person thinks, providing new thoughts and ways at looking at things.
  2. they can be downright funny.
The following Letter to the Editor, printed in today's Yisrael HaYom newspaper, is particularly humorous. the writer demands that the world recognize November 4th as a holy day (Rabinfest), and claims America has tremendous chutzpah for holding elections on the day of the anniversary on which Yitzchak Rabin was assasinated. The writer compares it to Israel holding elections on September 11th.

There are just so many things wrong with this letter, and I think it belittles it to even start pointing them out. I think I prefer to let it stand on its own in and stew in the ignorance and imbecility of the author.


  1. Imbeciles come by the dozen.
    This is one of the biggest lessons I learned in life.

  2. A guy on JPost talkbacks proposed a different name for Rabinfest:
    St Isaac's Day
    I think that very succinctly captures both the starry-eyed reverence/beatification of Rabin and the religious fervor attached to observance of its rituals (e.g. open season for slandering everyone to the Right of Kadima).
    You think that'll stick?

  3. How dare Yigal Amir not respect the fact in anticipation that a U.S. election day 12 years later would come out on that date.

    (The date of the U.S. national elections was set by Congress in 1845. It is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.)

  4. The US election really did ruin Rabinfest this year.

    I am so sad :(

  5. I had a traffic link back to your blog and am browsing several posts and I just love the variety (no, I'm not spam but that does sound like it).

    Several of us did note the election date's coincidence w/Rabin's assassination. But you know, I think Marilyn Monroe died the day I was born - I'm glad my mother did hold off. :)

    Some things we can control, some we can't. Isn't that one of the biggest struggled in everything?

  6. yes, but more than that is the fact that the date of US elections is a law. It is that way every 4 years, not like in Israel where it is a parliamentary system, and whenever the government upsets its coalition members they can try to force new elections.

    If you have some sort of control over elections, you can avoid dates you consider inappropriate. When you have no control over the elections, you have to learn to deal with it...

    Another way to look at it is how dare Rabin for getting himself shot (or how dare Amir for shooting Rabin) on a date that is so close to US elections...

  7. Smiling, all true including the last comment but I would, of course, never think of anything like that - though we might direct it at the perpetrator? dare he choose that date to do the deed?

    Ok - this is getting a little too dark humor. :)
