Jun 1, 2010


David Ben-Gurion wanted [Israel] to be a light to the nations - moral leadership, a country with justice and equality...We have more start-ups than in Europe. We have succeeded in building a great state - the State of Tel Aviv. But the State of Israel is like Carthage without the Negev. We are the state with the least equality in all of the Western world. When we established the state, we were the most equal....
We need to take the two populations, the Haredim and the Arabs. The Haredim must go out to work, with an embrace. We also need to designate resources for the Arabs...

--- Minister for Minorities Avishai Braverman


  1. can we get more of those interesting post roundups?

  2. Why did this merit POTD? I'm not even sure what he's talking about. Each sentence seems disconnected from the one preceding it.

  3. mostly it was for the "State of Tel Aviv" comment.

  4. But wow what an irony, Arabs and beyond-the-pale orthodox singled out here too:

    "...on a day that saw almost wall-to-wall condemnation of Israel, New Yorkers were treated to the sight of two protests at the symbol of the Jewish State, one by Arabs, the other by thousands of Satmar chassidim."

    from http://www.cross-currents.com/archives/2010/06/01/ais-tzarah-hi-lyaakov/
