Nov 30, 2011

PM Netanyahu Schools MK Hasson In Manners At Knesset Session (video)

PM Netanyahu Schools MK Hasson In Manners At Knesset Session


  1. Hi, I am an American and could not understand what was being said. Do you know if there is a way to translate the video to English?

  2. sorry for the delay - Hasson is talking and directing his words to the prime minister who is chatting with someone else.
    Hasson says "Mr. prime Minister, and I know you can hear me, you are listening to each word.."

    Netanyahu then responds, "you are young and maybe you have a bright future ahead of you. you should learn some derech eretz - manners. believe me, I was once a yung parliamentarian, just like you but I always spoke with respect. and especially to prime ministers you should be respectful. this I say to you as advice before the next Knesset comes around.."
