Nov 30, 2011

Quote Of The Day

Quote Of The Day

I was a broadcaster on radio Kol Chai. I have presented over many years in many media outlets. If I would apply for a position at the Broadcasting Authority , At Army Radio or at any government office - even for a position to serve tea - they would not accept me. Because I did not take the Bagrut matriculation exams. I am an ignoramus.

  -- MK Yiisroel Eichler, speaking in favor of a proposal to equate yeshiva studies with an academic degree.


  1. At the end of the day it is perfectly acceptable to require basic education requirements for specific jobs.
    Will there be exceptions to the rule who deserve to get the job even without the education? Obviously. However, they are still the exception, not the rule.

  2. I oftened listened to Rabbi Eichler while he was on Radio Kol Chai.

    I would have to agree with him, he is an ignoramus.

  3. I can't comment on Rabbi Eichler's intelligence or lack there-of, but no one is claiming that yeshiva students are lacking intelligence. Rather, that they lack basic education and skills needed to hold down a job.

  4. And besides all that, there are programs for high school dropouts to complete the bagrut. I'm not sure if there are programs tailored towards yeshiva bachurs, but if there aren't, let Rabbi Eichler and his faction try to get such programs implemented, instead of trying to have a yeshiva education recognized as the equivalent. The dati yeshivas have bagrut programs - why shouldn't the haredi yeshivas? This is another case of the haredi politicians wanting to have their cake and eat it to - no government interference in their holy education system allowed, but they want the benefits of the non-haredi system, such as funding and the ability to claim their education as the basis for job qualification.

  5. P.S. - make that "eat it too" - I wouldn't want anyone to think a public school education leaves a person ignorant of basic spelling.
