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Apr 3, 2014

"Sharing the Burden" will cause an upheaval in the Haredi workforce (video)

this is a recent show on channel 2 news that looked at the issue, the challenges , of integrating haredim into the workforce...

The main thing I get out of it is the extreme challenges involved. People at age 36 with 7 kids just starting to learn a trade and look for work? It is difficult for anyone to find a job, no matter how educated and talented they are - starting off with such a handicap must make it so much more difficult.

At about 9 minutes in, and again later at about 16 minutes in, Dana Weiss talks to Rav Dovid Zicherman. Rav Zicherman both served in the army and has worked (I dont know if he works now and what he does, but when I was in yeshiva, he had opened and managed the first Birkat Rachel supermarket about a block away from my yeshiva). Zicherman is described as being associated with the more extreme parts of the haredi community, and he talks that way. He says working is a curse (unfortunately it is, but that is the world we live in, and it can also be a blessing for some) and thats why they won't work, he says when the haredim will be the majority in 20 years they'll tell the secular what to do, he says when there wont be enough secular to support them, then America will as it does today...

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1 comment:

  1. So Zicherman says working is a curse, and therefore they shouldn't work?

    Is he claiming to nullify the psak of Hakadosh Baruch Hu Himself on Adam HaRishon (Working is a curse, and therefore YOU MUST WORK - DUH!)? Or is he claiming that we have arrived at Acharis HaYamim and the curse is over? The mind boggles.

    Or maybe this is what happens when charedim don't learn chumash.



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