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May 7, 2015

Ayoub Kara immediately demonstrates the problem of 61MKs

and here is the first example of the problem with a government of the bare minimum majority 61MKs supporting the coalition.

MK Ayoub Kara (Likud), whom I happen to like a lot, is threatening that if he will not be made a minister, he will not show up to the swearing-in ceremony of the government next week. If Kara does not show up, they will not have the necessary majority to officially form the government.
source: NRG

This is true now, but it is also true at any and every point in time later. Any time there is a vote with a razor-thin majority for the coalition, every single disgruntled coalition MK will have the power to threaten the government with not showing up for some important vote, or just walk out in the middle, without even threatening.

On the one hand, every MK is interested in retaining the jobs and power granted, and a government of 61 can be stable. Nobody really wants to go to elections again. They've all seen that nothing is guaranteed with new elections. On the other hand, upset one MK enough and he might just walk off in a huff and do something regrettable, even if his party does not support it.

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1 comment:

  1. Well, I say "good." It was just pointed out to me that former Jerusalem City Council Member, "Orthodox Feminist" Rachel Azaria is not an MK (Kulanu). So, that, in and of itself, warrants millions of sheqqels on new elections. How the heck did she sneak in there?

    I don't know where I've been. Perhaps, I've just been so bored and uninterested in the whole thing. :-/


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