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Jun 7, 2015

American Pharoah Win the Triple Crown- The Derby, Preakness and the Belmont (video)

and American Pharoah, a Jewish-owned horse, wins the Triple Crown...

while The Egyptian Streets reports it as owned by an Egyptian Arab...

another interesting factoid... the jockey went to pray at the grave of the Lubavitcher Rebbe this past Thursday...

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1 comment:

  1. Ephraim zayat says he stays in a RV type trailer over shabbat if a hotel is not within walking distance. He lives in teaneck, went to yeshiva (though he was born and grew up in cairo (with horses.) He ran a cairo beer bottler (presumably problem with alcohol) till he convinced the government to sell it to him, which he managed to sell before the arab spring for big bucks (i.e., at the right time.)

    I'm surprised this wasn't covered by the israeli media.


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