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Jun 2, 2015

under Eichler's protection, Haredi youth stone firefighters

It is a good thing MK Yisroel Eichler (UTJ) took his public stance that Haredi stone throwers should not be considered equivalent to other stone throwers because they are only expressing their pain and not actually looking to injure or kill...

Behadrei is reporting that yesterday firefighters arrived in Neve Yaakov to extinguish a fire. As they worked to put it out, local Haredi youth were keeping themselves busy by screaming at the firefighters, especially at the female fighter, and throwing rocks at them.

Yes, they should really be given an exemption from prosecution due to their need to express their pain. Poor, pained, Haredi youth being forced to witness firefighters in action trampling their sensitivities.

Eichler, and others, should stop defending these people. His efforts on their behalf make them think they will be taken care of and then they have no incentive to stop. The law loses any deterrence it is meant to provide.

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  1. True. However, perhaps Eichler's real concern is his voter base. And a majority of the Daas Torah voters believe that Haredim should not be handed over to Israeli law enforcement.

  2. So let the Chareidi kids throw rocks at the firemen, and let the firemen turn the hoses on them!

    1. Better idea: toss the idiots into building and leave.

  3. I have been saying for YEARS that the mainstream community does NOT to its part to disavow or fight against extremists. The classic case is in 2011 when haredi extremists spit on an 8 year old girl and not ONE askan (including our MAYOR for crying out loud) or Haredi Rav could be BOTHERED to walk the 8 year old girl to school. But in 2013-2014 when they needed the extremists for every ONE of their votes, they were happy to go to them. Haredi disowning of extremists is just LIP SERVICE -- the extremists serve the purpose of the askanim - e.g. scaring non-haredim away from Beit Shemesh. Now we have Eiclher trying to get the best deal for violent extremists. And if you think he's a schmuck you cant NOT vote for him in the next election -- "daas tora" will decide what you vote.

  4. How much worth is their religiousity? There is something terribly lacking in their upbringing and the way they are being taught in their schools (yeshivas). Do they understand the sin they got doing this to those who are trying to save their lives? Where's the hakorot hatov? We now live in a world of extremism - to the left and to the right and within religion - H' have mercy on this sick world.

  5. In the end it could cost lives. Just like police in the USA who enter certain areas and situations where the threat to them is above and beyond the normal threat they signed up for (the usual danger of bodily harm) will slow their response to those kinds of areas, so too will first responders (police, fire, etc) slow their response in this case.

    And furthermore, if the police observe a general laxity on the parts of the courts to punish charedi stone throwers, some of the more frustrated police officers may inflict the punishment directly. Yes, some of them might decide to beat up the charedi stone throwers on the way to jail.

  6. Throwing a stone is not an acceptable means of political statement. It's a criminal act. Treat Jews like Palestinians if this really a democracy...tho law isn't applied here equally in Israel.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hit them in the pocket(book) where it hurts.

    Decline to sell them fire insurance, theft insurance, (auto) glass, medical insurance (bituach leumi, unless they allow normal treatment programs.)

    Maybe set up extra risk insurance for their extreme policies.


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