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Aug 18, 2015

Haredi soldier told to remove uniform in Bet Shemesh

BSN is reporting that a Haredi soldier living in Bet Shemesh received a letter complaining about him walking through the neighborhood in his IDF uniform.

In the letter, the writer "pleaded" with the soldier to not harm the education of the children, and to stop walking around the neighborhood in his uniform. The writer says it is not personal against him, the soldier, but against the uniform.

The soldier publicized the letter and wrote on Facebook that he is proud to serve the country and will continue wearing his uniform with pride.

Of course the letter is not actually signed, because it is much easier to hide behind anonymity and make out as if your are speaking on behalf of all the residents of the neighborhood....

On the one hand, this is far better than a physical attack, attacks that are unfortunately not uncommon nowadays. The writer could also have been more demanding and threatening, but kept his bullying fairly low-key.

On the other hand, why do people think they can tell everyone else how to live their lives. If you do not like something, go live somewhere else. If the place you are living has such a serious threat to your children's education, go somewhere else where things match your preferences better. Why is it that so many people think they have the right to tell everyone else what to do?

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  1. If the children are learning bad things (not specified, of course) from seeing a uniform, then their parents and Rabbeim have failed completely.

    There is nothing disgraceful in serving in the IDF, just as there is nothing disgraceful with working with Chilonim in any career. That Charedim vilify both is a testament to the utter depravity to which they have sunk.

  2. Chareidism is built on telling other people how to live their lives.

  3. Because they know they're on the path of truth...and therefore any other path is (therefore) not truth. Therefore anyone else not following their way is ranging from uninformed to misguided to sinners to heretics.

  4. Why do we judge Chareidim by these foolish signs. Chareidism (trademark pending :)) covers so many walks of Orthodox life. We need to stop referring to these guys as Chareidim, and just call them extremists. I consider myself Chareidi. I learn. I work and I love soldiers here. I'm a proud Chareidi. And I'm proud not to be associated with the nut jobs who don't respect other Yidden.Chareid does not equal extremist.

    1. We should not let 97% of the chareidim give a bad name to all the rest!


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