Dec 7, 2015

Shtar's audition for Eurovision 2017 full clip (video)

Here is an additional video for today.. it is so good I couldn't resist and wait until tomorrow..

This is the clip of Shtar's audition in the Kochav Haba competition to represent Israel in Eurovision 2016..

I'll add my comment here.. I think Shtar was great. They put on a great performance and had everyone hopping. I think the judges were great and their comments were awesome. I think the backstage attendant guy was an idiot.

intro to Shtar:

the audition itself:

and the bonus clip is the audition of another religious guy named Oded Sharabi:

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  1. Rafi - the first two links are to the same intro clip.

  2. For Eurovision - nil points! The song is not strong enough. The 'look' is not cool.
