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Jan 5, 2016

they chose to live there and didn't have to (video)

Sari Roth says they chose to live there (Samaria, Hebron, etc), so don't get sympathy

and people chose to live in Tel Aviv, so they shouldn't get sympathy either, right? and Ranana as well. And Ashdod with the rockets, along with Sderot and Ashkelon.And lets not forget about the people who chose to live in Kiryat Shmona and suffered from Katyusha rockets for many years.

We shouldn't report any such news because all the people in all the affected towns and cities chose to live in those places, so it is their own fault and not newsworthy...

and another clip differentiating between attacks based on location..

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1 comment:

  1. Exactly. All those people running or watching the Boston Marathon, watching a Batman movie in Colorado or going to school in any number of Universities didn't have to be there. No one had to work in the World Trade Center -- they chose to.


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