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Jan 6, 2016

will Yehuda Glick soon be MK Glick?

the "Norwegian Law", which was passed in the Knesset to great applause, has so far only been put into practice by Habayit Hayehudi, with Naftali Bennet resigning his seat in the Knesset to the benefit of Shuali Muallem.

Eventually Bennet got his seat back when Yanon Magal resigned form the Knesset due to the investigation he was involved in, and the next guy in line decided not to take the seat.

Both Shas and UTJ made big deals about passing the law, and Aryeh Deri made some big pronouncements about how he would be the one to resign his seat to bring in another MK from his party, but has waffled and eventually decided not to implement it. In UTJ they went into another inter-faction fight about resigning and who else would get what from the other, so nothing [yet] has happened there either.

The Likud was just going to take advantage of it, but they weren't behind the push for the law itself. Until now nobody has implemented the Norwegian Law there either, but that might soon change. With the recent resignation of Silvan Shalom, due to an investigation launched into his activities, Amir Ohana entered the Knesset. That puts Yehuda Glick, a Tempe Mount activist, next in line for a seat in the Knesset under the Likud banner.

So, if a Likud minister or deputy minister were to resign his/her Knesset seat, Glick would become a Member of Knesset.

I cannot see Benjamin Netanyahu allowing this to happen, but supposedly there are some ministers close to Glick that are willing to resign their seats to bring him in. To his credit Glick has told them to wait about a month so he can finish his court case and clear his name before havign the opportunity to enter the Knesset. He was accused of attacking a woman on Har Habayit, and wants that behind him before getting into Knesset.

Also, if Glick would take the Knesset seat now, it seems likely to me that the courts would definitely find him guilty, and/or the Attorney General and media would force Glick to resign from the Knesset.

Anyways, if it would become realistic, I am sure Netanyahu would pressure those ministers to not resign.

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