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Dec 8, 2016

protests against IDF draft officer draws ire of neighbor (video)

the regular protests of some non-local-to-the-neighborhood people against a local Haredi IDF officer who works for the IDF draft board have been upsetting to many, saying keep your intolerance in your neighborhood - keep your protests in your neighborhood and do not ruin ours... one woman, a neighbor who has had enough of these regular protests, decided to take the matter into her own hands... though it looks as if it did not bother them too much and even came prepared for it. I guess you at least have to admire their dedication to the cause...

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  1. Scissors + Peyos. Or paint. Paint would be good.

  2. If you're going to go the scissors + Peyos route, only cut one paya, leave the other one, for the rest of his life the personal will have to explain one one paya is so much longer than the other.

    (BTW - This was VERY tongue in cheek, I would never seriously advocate cutting off payot or any other type of violence as a means of protest)

  3. No I do not admire their dedication to the cause. The protesters are completely ignoring the halachos of בין אדם לחברו.

  4. Why is she allowed to damage them? How is she different than them?

  5. RBS - wouldn't it follow the Halacha "if there's vermin in your lawn/house/property - you can get rid of them"?


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