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Jun 10, 2018
Jewish athletes with major aspirations
Not too many Jews have played professional sports, though a number that did have became famous by having played at the highest caliber.
This years MLB draft that just happened last week has opened the door to the possibility of another Jewish player at some time in the future, and another also has aspiration for a future MLB career as he starts his career in the minors..

Starting with the Cubs, because they are the Cubs... they drafted a young man named Itamar Steiner. Steiner was drafted in the 40th, and final, round, so the chances of his playing for the Cubs, or any team, in the majors, is not very high. However, he was drafted, so there is a chance...
Steiner is from the Chicago suburban area, so, like many kids he dreamed of playing in the majors, but being drafted by your favorite team adds another dimension to that. Steiners family lived in Israel for some years while his father, now deceased, studied to be a rabbi. You can read more about the Steiners and Itamar's journey leading to the MLB draft in the Chicago Sun Times article.

The second young man is a fellow named Isaac Spiegel, from Engelwood, graduate of SAR High School. At Muhlenberg College they are making arrangements for him regarding Shabbos, such as staying at hotels within walking distance of the fields and dietary needs. I am not sure if he expects teams in the minors and majors to be as accommodating, but more power to him if he can work it out!
You can read more about Spiegel and his major league aspirations in the New Jersey Jewish Link.
This years MLB draft that just happened last week has opened the door to the possibility of another Jewish player at some time in the future, and another also has aspiration for a future MLB career as he starts his career in the minors..

Starting with the Cubs, because they are the Cubs... they drafted a young man named Itamar Steiner. Steiner was drafted in the 40th, and final, round, so the chances of his playing for the Cubs, or any team, in the majors, is not very high. However, he was drafted, so there is a chance...
Steiner is from the Chicago suburban area, so, like many kids he dreamed of playing in the majors, but being drafted by your favorite team adds another dimension to that. Steiners family lived in Israel for some years while his father, now deceased, studied to be a rabbi. You can read more about the Steiners and Itamar's journey leading to the MLB draft in the Chicago Sun Times article.

The second young man is a fellow named Isaac Spiegel, from Engelwood, graduate of SAR High School. At Muhlenberg College they are making arrangements for him regarding Shabbos, such as staying at hotels within walking distance of the fields and dietary needs. I am not sure if he expects teams in the minors and majors to be as accommodating, but more power to him if he can work it out!
You can read more about Spiegel and his major league aspirations in the New Jersey Jewish Link.
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