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Mar 1, 2020

Berland's Shuvu Banim won't vote UTJ


Berland has been indicted for the crimes he has been under investigation for, including fraud, extortion, attempts to cause serious harm, and more. The prosecutor also wants Berland's remand to be extended, considering him a flight risk.
source: Maariv

It is about time. Considering all the video evidence readily available and considering all  the people upset at him and surely willing to testify, it is wondrous how it took so long to put this together.

In other Berland news, the followers of Berland in Shuvu Banim are upset about a recording of Rav Chaim Kanievsky that recently came to light in which he is heard saying that Berland is crazy. Because of what Rav Kanievsky said, the followers of Berland are threatening to not vote for UTJ and to persuade as many people as possible, anybody connected to Shuvu Banuim and other sects of Breslav that might be sympathetic, to not vote for UTJ in the upcoming elections. Shuvu Banim reps have said that they will do whatever they can to prevent UTJ from getting the 8th mandate they have been trying for.

After that the Shuvu Banim people stepped up their threat to seemingly make it a final decision. Because the UTJ MKs did not speak up and fight on behalf of Berland when he was arrested, they will definitely not participate in the elections.  A group of Shuvu Banim rabbis have put out a "kol koreh" calling on the Shuvu Banim to not vote, and also to persuade others, especially family members not part of Shuvu Banim, to also not vote.

If there was one thing that would make me vote for a particular party - if I were a one-issue voter and Berland was my one-issue, this would definitely get me to vote for UTJ.

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