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Mar 5, 2020

Interesting Psak: returning to Israel

Rav Chaim Kanievsky was asked about people set to return from abroad, from places placed on the quarantine list by the Ministry of Health such as France. The question is that they were scheduled to return now, but if they would return they would have to be in quarantine for two weeks and would not be able to go to shul to hear parshat Zachor or the megilla on Purim. So, should they return anyway and go into quarantine, or should they stay in France and be able to hear Zachor and megilla with minyanim and only come back after Purim?

Rav Chaim Kanievsky responded that they should come back now, despite the fact that they will have to daven on their own and miss those mitzvas in shul, and someone doing a mitzva is protected from bad.

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  1. How does his rationale relate to his psak, which seems to be that people should return (and thereby MISS the opportunity to do a mitzvah)?

    I would guess that he was actually saying that they should nevertheless go to shul, after returning to EY.

    1. he clearly isnt clear. I think he is saying the mitzva of coming back to israel will protect him, but he still has to follow instructions and stay in quarantine

    2. Why would you think that?
      It wasn't even the question.
      The question was whether they should return even if it meant missing a mitzvah.
      His answer was that those who do mitzvos are protected from evil, which I assume means that those who go to shul to do the mitzvos will be protected from the coronavirus.

      ANd that would mean that the quarantined person should not be concerned about infecting others.

      I agree that it's all unclear, which is exactly the reason why relying upon the process shown in the video is crazy.

    3. I still dont think so because they asked him explicitly and repeatedly about coming back to Israel and missing minyan. he didnt say come home and go to shul. he said come home

  2. Blessed is the Jew who never has to or had to leave the Land of Yisrael. Most leave, not for need, but for vacations, etc., and while doing so, not realizing the holiness of Eretz Yisrael and how wonderful it is to be a nation that dwells alone.


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