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Sep 15, 2020

Child Endangerment at the Ukrainian border

In their report on the Red Cross getting involved with the Jewish pilgrims stuck on the border of Belarus and Ukraine, YWN has difficult pictures of men and children in what is quickly becoming a humanitarian crisis. Last night the Red Cross showed up and distributed blankets along with food and hot drinks.

Some of the pictures include scenes such as these:

This is a very difficult situation.

Two thoughts immediately came to mind when I saw this.
1. is it going to become acceptable, or even encouraged, now to donate to the Red Cross?

2. It is one thing for grown men, adults, to decide to go on some crazy adventure to try to force their way, or sneak, in to a country with closed borders. A grown man wants to go on this adventure, cross through streams and forests and try to bribe their way over the border if sneaking in becomes impossible, that's one thing. But to put little children in this situation? That is criminal. These children n need to be removed form this scene and immediately sent somewhere safe. The families should be investigated by social welfare authorities in the countries from which they came (mostly Israel). This is child endangerment.  

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  1. #1 save the children.
    After that, throw the book at them. Fines, criminal prosecution for children. Followed by a deal: Complete amnesty for all fines & charges in return for re-interring Rav Nachman to Israel.

  2. "Child endangerment"??!! Are you for real?! Your hatred for these Chasidim is sickening. These hilltop-type families live like this all year.

    I love the way if they'd call it an "overnight" camping trip, or a forest trip teaching self sufficiency skills, then it's all ok. It's all about how you frame it.

    I know you like to consider yourself Chareidi, but it's so evident from reading your blog over the years that you are completely modern ortho in your outlooks. And it's quite simple, it's nearly impossible for Modox folks to really understand the views and lifestyle of Chasidim. Two different planets.

    Your accusation is just disgusting.

    1. Yeah, we live on planet same and these folks live on planet lunacy.

    2. I am not so sure our planet is so sane either... just saying :-)

  3. yes because the Red Cross frequently needs to intervene on camping trips....

    1. Indeed emergency services often do.


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