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Jan 7, 2021

Yaakov Lemmer Ono B'koach, Shlisky (video)

Ono (Ana) B'koach is a Kabbalistic poem of unknown authorship, although traditionally it is attributed to a sage of the second century. It pleads for Israel's redemption from exile. Its seven lines of six words each - their first letters spelling out a secret divine name - have served as the basis of much mystical speculation. The 42 words represent the 42 stations the Jews traveled through on their journey from Egypt to Israel. It is also meant to represent the various levels of our personal journeys on our quest to redemption.

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  1. Rav Nechunia ben haKanah
    The Bahir
    Often quoted in gemarah, though he's a Tannah
    Represents non Lurianic Kabbalah

  2. Beautiful. Also great voice. There's also another version of melody which is also beautiful haunting sort of melody.
    May the words and all our pleas for G-D's intervention now in this insane period of history bring us Moshiach tzdkeinu in a flash!


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