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Feb 4, 2021

Interesting Psak: long sheitel or short sheitel

According to Hamechadesh, Rav Yitzchal Zilbershtein, rav of Ramat Elchonon neighorhood of Bnei Braq, was asked the following question by a kalla teacher. 

She asked him regarding one of her studetns, a kalla who very much wants to wear a modest sheitel with the maximum length being to the shoulders as halacha requires. Her father also wanted to buy her such a sheitel. Her chosson wants her to wear a long sheitel, such as those worn by his sisters and relatives, as he comes from abroad and that is what he is used to and prefers. Not just he prefers it but he is opposed to shorter sheitels until the shoulder - he says he cannot handle it.

The kalla offered to wear a longer sheitel at home, but outside she wants to wear the shorter sheitels. He won't hear of it as he wants her to dress nicely when they go out together and wants her to wear the longer sheitel.

So, what should this kalla do about the predicament she finds herself in?

According to the report, Rav Zilbershtein paskened that she should either cut the sheitel or the shidduch. This chosson is leading her astray to be immodest. Especially nowadays when we need additional mercy from heaven, and immodesty removes the Godly protection from us.

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  1. I hope he breaks it off. He doesn't need a headache of a wife who goes to a Posek every time he wants her to do something she doesn't like.

    1. And she doesn't need the headache of a husband who refuses to take his wife's wishes into account over those of his "family."

  2. If only there'd be a posek who would say *that*.

  3. Very good advice from the Rav

  4. Probably best to ask Rav Asher Weiss or any other rabbanim who are connected to life in America.

  5. maybe let her sit with daddy until she can afford a grey hair sheitel....

  6. This whole issue is ridiculous. The peredicament, the question, the assumptions, the psak. The comments are also entertaining. People all tied up in their modesty.


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