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Jul 5, 2021

Bet Shemesh still fails to keep the court decision

The ongoing saga of the tzniyus signs in Bet Shemesh (mostly RBS B) and the courts requiring the city to have them removed is still ongoing. 

While I really don't understand the political crisis that happened in Bet Shemesh yesterday with Mayor Dr Aliza Bloch firing half her coalition, it seems like a lot of bad timing in Bet Shemesh right now.

According to Kikar, the courts are demanding a solution now to the tzniyus signs, as the saga has gone on for more than 5 years. 

Of course the city blames the lack of budget and the lack of cooperation of the police, and the police blame City Hall for their lack of cooperation. Bloch talked a lot of about the path to success would be dialogue with the residents, but that has gotten her nowhere, in this realm.

Basically nothing significant has gotten done about this, and the courts say it has gone on long enough.

I don't even know what can be done about it. As soon as it became a fight it seemed to become more impossible than even just ignoring it. These signs are part of their holy culture, and taking it down becomes a religious battle in which they will never give up.

The only question is what the courts will do in light of the repeated failure of the City to keep to the rulings, even if it is at no fault of their own and not for lack of trying.

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