Jan 31, 2022

Deri's exorbitant vacation and bad timing

I am not sure exactly why now, but Shas has decided to put out a cute election campaign style video ad. The ad is cute, and seems to be an attempt to start rallying the masses against the government from the perspective of the various taxes recently increased. But the timing is really bad.

Let's start off with the video itself:

We can discuss the content of the video itself, but I prefer not to. I only want to talk about the timing of it.

Just the other day, after Aryeh Deri agreed to the plea bargain in his legal case and the courts approved it, Deri and his wife went on vacation. To Switzerland. The news reported, with pictures, that Deri is staying in a hotel in St Moritz that costs more than $1000 per night. 

I am not one to comment on how people choose to spend their hard earned money. Nobody owes anybody else an explanation. He earned his money, he is welcome to spend it however he wants. Though, admittedly, I do regularly wonder how career politicians become millionaires, but that is beside the point.

Aryeh Deri earned his wealth, it is not for me to comment on how he spends it.

That being said, the timing of Deri spending that much money on a luxurious vacation while publishing a video crying about how poor some people are and how the government is making it too expensive for them is just weird and maybe insensitive. I dont get why this had to happen now.

People got upset and made a bit of a ruckus criticizing Deri. His son put out a statement saying he and his siblings sponsored the vacation for his parents and they deserved it. How they can afford to pay for this vacation is their business (though the son got a high paying job in KKL thanks to his father, sponsoring a $5k+ vacation - and that's just the hotel - is still seemingly a head scratcher). 

And all this is irrelevant. Who paid for the vacation does not matter, and is not the point. Aryeh Deri deserves a vacation just as anyone else does, and he is, or his kids are, welcome to pay for however exorbitant a vacation he wants. Going on an expensive vacation while publishing a video about how poor his constituents are is strange.

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  1. You and I paid for the vacation. As did all the people that ad is aimed at.

  2. "He earned his money . . ."

    By doing what, exactly?

    1. as I said, I have no idea how career politicians become millionaires, but however it happens, he has been under investigation and besides for some tax fraud he seems to be mostly ok on that front

  3. He invested his money wisely. The fact that he is a Hareidi Moroccan MK with nine children does not preclude his success, no more than it did Porush's.

    1. maybe he did, maybe he didnt. I know nothign about Porush's wealth. He doesnt live a life, at least publicly, that makes me think he is wealthy. I said I wonder about all career politicians - if they grew up poor, how did they become rich while in politics? Porush comes form a family that owned a hotel and maybe other businesses. Is he wealthy? I have no idea. Deri came from a poor background, according to him. Now I am remembering that his wife's family had some money so maybe it is inherited from her side. I dont know. Does he have businesses? Maybe. Is it investments? maybe.

    2. Ah, his wife's family. Remember what happened to her mother?

    3. yes, I chose not to mention it because it was never proven (as far as I recall)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
