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Jun 23, 2024

low hanging fruit

There was some strange incident near the end of this past week. PM Netanyahu tried to appoint someone (Avi Cohen Scali from Bet Shemesh) to the position of "Projector" for Northern Israel. Netanyahu retracted the appointment pretty quickly and there were some explanations as to why, but this is just another strange incident with Netanyahu about which we will never really know the truth.

It seems Minister Yitzchak Wasserlauf had said that he will not support a political appointment like that.

Today Netanyahu excoriated Wasserlauf in the government's meeting. Netanyahu said he will not be threatened by Ministers to vote against the government. That is unacceptable. I am not willing to allow ministers to threaten the Prime Minister. 

Netanyahu is being big and angry and scolding against a minor minister, while he lets other ministers, more senior ones and those with more sway and influence, threaten him and his government 2 to 3 times a week. And simple MKs as well. Between Ben Gvir and Gafni and Deri along with others, Netanyahu has probably been threatened a record number of times over the past few months. Yet he says nothing because he cannot afford to anger them and drive them away. 

Ben Gvir might choose to back his guy (Wasserlauf) up, but it seems more likely he will just let this haranguing slide. Netanyahu can save some face going after the unimportant low hanging fruit while he lets the more difficult people walk all over him...

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