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Free The Hostages! Bring Them Home!

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Sep 3, 2024

Tweet of the Day

no, Satmar is not like Neturei Karta...

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  1. Thanks for the link to the Satmar X Account.

    I realize that the account is a PR account, and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of all Satmar Hassidim, however it was interesting to see how many recent posts were distancing themselves from Neturei Karta, and also from anti-Israel protests.

    Comments like the following show that even though Satmar do not define themselves as Zionist, they have nothing in common with the anti-Israel demonstrators:

    Our anti-Zionist stance, is deeply rooted in religious beliefs, and is fundamentally distinct from political anti-Zionism.
    our stance is a principled religious position, and is clearly not a political tool to cover for antisemitic Jew-haters.

  2. Maybe so, but their very public position gives at least some passive support to Jew haters. NK just go a bit further.

  3. This comment is actually disgusting if you take a few moments to think about it.
    One of the Satmar's delusions was that Zionism was driving Jew-hatred in the world. Jews would suffer and die because of Zionism. And, of course, Zionism was responsible for the Holocaust.
    So the real message here is: American citizen Hersh Polin was killed because he was living in the sinful Zionist regime which is responsible for his death. If he still lived in America and wasn't a Zionist, he'd be alive. The deaths of the hostages vindicate the Satmar's position. Naturally they're happy to trumpet that.
    I highly doubt that they'd have posted a "Baruch HaShem!" tweet if Tzahal had reached the hostages in time and rescued them alive.

    1. Don't kid yourself, a lot of "mainstream" charedim are taking the attacks as a not-so-quiet "vindication" of their attitude toward Israel.

    2. It's quite sickening, really. It's a 3rd generation thing.
      The 1st generation fights for something and really appreciate it. "We have a Jewish state! Baruch HaShem!"
      The 2nd generation maintained that something because their parents showed them it was important. "Israel's nice. I mean, it's not Moshiach but still, Baruch HaShem we have it."
      The 3rd generation takes it all for granted and does nothing but criticize it. "Feh. A godless secular state that hates Torah. Proof the Satmar was right!"

    3. @Garnel Ironheart
      I didn't think I would find myself defending Satmar, but wow, what a take you just came up with based on what seems to be a positive, authentic tweet from them.
      All they said is that they ache in pain from the deaths of other Jews. Why do you feel the need to take it to such a bad place?

    4. Because whenever we need, as a people, to show support for Israel, Satmar is the first to shout "Nope! Nope! Ma'aseh Satan! Nope! We're not Zionist! Real Jews aren't Zionists!"
      All the free kosher meals in hospitals don't erase the evil they do when they insist on convincing people that "real Jews" don't support Israel.

    5. Again, at a time when our enemies justify their hatred by claiming "Anti-Zionism isn't Anti-Semitism!", who do they bring out as examples to prove they're right?


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