Sep 17, 2009

Interesting Posts #77

1. Rock of Galilee has a question about how fundraising works for writing a sefer Torah. It seems like if someone buys a word or a pasuk, they are paying for something that has already been sold to the donor of the perek, parsha, chumash, and torah, etc.

2. The Muqata asked Ron Dermer at the conference about bloggers getting press credentials. It looks like Dermer is actually working on the issue!

3. There won't be a fact finding mission about the recent IDF raid to rescue a kidnapped American...

4. Danny Hershtal responds to Prince Turki al-Faisal...

5. Photo of the Week at Israel the Beautiful...

1 comment:

  1. I really like these posts of yours. So many good links and so little time to read them.
