Sep 17, 2009

Matching Donations at Hakshiva

Guest Post by Hakshiva

Our Rosh Hashanah campaign is in full swing. We have had tremendous support from many members of the community - thank you all!

When we help a child, there is often a positive and dramatic impact on the entire family. This year we are starting to work within schools, enabling us to help children who would otherwise fall through the net. We believe that the impact of our interventions with these children will have a positive effect on the entire class. This means that in the coming year, apart from the hundreds of children we will help directly, thousands will benefit indirectly. We continue working every day towards our goal of ensuring that each child in Ramat Beit Shemesh gets the services they need to succeed.

Special Matching Opportunity

Any donation you can make is appreciated. This year, until Yom Kippur, a few generous donors have offered to match anyone who will commit to $900 over the next year or $75 a month, so your donation will be worth $1800 - enough to cover one year of mentoring for one child. If you are interested in this opportunity please send an email to

As our wonderful community grows, so does the need and demand for our services. Your partnership with Hakshiva has never been more crucial.

If you haven't yet contributed to this campaign, please make your pledge by sending an email to . Please include a phone number on which we can contact you.
Alternatively, you can donate online by clicking here .


  1. Hakshiva does important work but I feel that they are draining critical resources from other organizations.

    Kupa Shel Tzedaka and Lemaán Achai are supporting families who can't make it. When people give more to Hakshiva the abilities of the chesed/tzedaka organizations is greatly reduced. I shudder to think how many more kids will be in the park due to strained financial situations at home.

    Perhaps the rabbonim could stress that able individuals (mechanchim,baalebatim,etc) volunteer hours of their time each week so that Hakshiva won't need to pay so many people and drain off the already reduced resources available.

  2. The highest form of Tzedaka is helping someone who is dependent to become independent. And that is what Hakshiva does. Hakshiva does, helps young people to overcome their difficulties so that they will be able to grow into productive and healthy members of our society.

    In order for our community to thrive and develop we need local organisations that deal with many aspects of life, not just poverty. Hakshiva's vital services continue to literally save children and save lives.

    If you would like to know more about what we do please email me and I would be happy to enlighten you.

    Kesiva Vechasima Tova - may this year be prosperous for all of Klal Yisrael spiritually and physically

  3. "I shudder to think how many more kids will be in the park due to strained financial situations at home."

    If a child is in need of support, he needs more than a fully stocked refrigerator at home. Further, a financial situation doesn't break every child - and in the cases when it does, perhaps it's an opportunity to help the family grow through Hakshiva's mentoring and advisement services as well.

    Even if all financial struggles in RBS were eliminated, there would still be children who find struggles in other areas of life that push them beyond their own coping skills.

    Besides, if the donor base in RBS is so limited that we can't take care of our own more completely, there's a much bigger problem which no amount of interest-free loans, employment counseling or handouts is going to solve.

  4. No one has contradicted what I said.

    Yes, the work is important,but much of it can be done through dedicated volunteers.

    If every capable mechanech, rabbi, baalabass, etc would give even 5 hours a month for our youth much of Hakshiva's work could be done w/o such a big budget. The volunteers could be managed and supervised with a few paid individuals.

    Food,bills,employment training,etc requires money according to anyone.

    And CR you said:"Besides, if the donor base in RBS is so limited that we can't take care of our own more completely, there's a much bigger problem which no amount of interest-free loans, employment counseling or handouts is going to solve.

    Yes, the donor base must be very limited as I see the local organizations crying that their coffers are empty all of the time.

  5. C.R.,

    I don't think that anon meant that all of the kids in the park are there because of financial issues. He/she meant that financial stress could cause even more kids, chas v'shalom, to have issues.

    No one is saying that Hakshiva isn't's just that the Kupa keeps saying that the "kupa" is empty and families are in need.

    And I might add, if a kid gets all of the mentoring in the world and comes home to financial,marital or family crisis he will still be in trouble.

    Perhaps the solution would be for Hakshiva to join forces with the other organizations to cut down on admin costs (office, secretaries,directors,etc).
