Jul 1, 2012

Headline Of The Day

Headline Of The Day

Yitzhak Shamir: An honest liar, one we can be proud of 

Honest, a stone-waller, endlessly frustrating. But also a straight-shooter, a man of his word. In this, Yitzhak Shamir brought honor to the Jewish state and the Jewish people.

-- Haaretz

that is far more amicable than the main headline that was running in Haaretz that said "Yitzhak Shamir, 1915-2012: A modest man, an uninspiring leader - and a genuine zealot. Contrary to his public image, Shamir was a likeable and open-minded man. But his hardline policies launched Israel on the road to a tragic dead end." from which, I think, it is clear Haaretz did not like Shamir one bit. Even Shimon Peres, one of Shamir's main rivals and a person who fought with Shamir regularly and had nothing nice to say about him at the time, had nice things to say about him after death...

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1 comment:

  1. I'm trying VERY hard to appreciate this Jew, but the only word that keeps coming to mind is "Madrid."

    Yes, of course, there is plenty to appreciate about him. But, I just can't get that one word out of my head.
