Jul 1, 2012

Quote Of The Day

Quote Of The Day

We lost a great man who was a great leader, who was fundamentally a man of the people.. To really understand him and his refusal to be enticed by diplomatic overtures that would have weakened Israel, you had to have heard him speak on Holocaust Remembrance Day..

Shamir was a symbol of Israel’s rising from the ashes of the Holocaust to strength and staying power. Out of this developed his personality as an enlightened realist and a stiff ideologue who withstood internal and external pressure and fought to prevent a situation in which the people of Israel will not have their own land and state.
 -- Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin

These words about our neighbors (when Shamir famously said before the Madrid Conference "The Arabs are the same Arabs and the sea is the same sea") brought a downpour of criticism and even scorn. Today there are definitely more people that understand that that man saw fundamental and true things, and that he did not bow, neither himself nor the truth, to the style of the moment....
One day when he was sitting here in the Prime Ministers Office, a group of Likud members arrived one afternoon. They wanted to advance one of their friends to a certain position. Shamir received them to his office. When he saw such a large group in the middle of the day he said "What are you doing here? Get back to work!" That says everything about the man. Devoid of mannerisms, a man of truth, simple, straight and bearing tremendous inner strength.

 -- PM Benjamin Netanyahu
former PM Yitzchak Shamir died over Shabbos at age 96.

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